Saturday, July 7, 2007

Bach Flowers for the Blues - Remedies for Depression

Sai Ram. Let us today look at the Bach Flowers that are usually indicated in the management of frustration, disappointment, depression, despair etc.

- You were aiming for some high grades in the college and you didn't get it, you are disappointed -
- You had your eye on the particular dress in the shop but when you tried it, the size didn't fit and the shop had no other size - You are frustrated.

Such situations and the resultant moods (blues) normally pass off and soon we are our normal cheerful souls. But if the mood doesn't lift and we continue to feel down, we need GENTIAN. GENTIAN is for Disappointments, Frustrations.

"I have tried everything and nothing works, there is actually no use of trying this but then I wanted to please my wife and so am seeing you."

When you come across such statements, you can safely recommend GORSE and expect good results!
GORSE is for a deeper depression (more severe compared to a disappointment) compared to GENTIAN. Despair (hopelessness if you prefer that word) is very much present in GORSE which is not the case in GENTIAN. I have used despair and hopelessness to mean the same but it appears that Dr.Bach used them differently. So, it may be better to stick to Dr. Bach's meaning. The flower essence for despair is SWEET CHESTNUT and it may be initially difficult to differentiate between these two. You may like to discuss the state of your mind with a close friend or a professional practitioner.

You suddenly feel very much down and depressed, gloomy, but the cloud lifts suddenly and you feel normal. Again the cloud comes and you feel lost. You will do well to take MUSTARD.

MUSTARD is to Gloom (Mental Darkness) as ASPEN is to Fear - both come without any specific reason which you can put your finger on.

If you are feeling down because of some mistake which you committed and are troubled by GUILT, You will need PINE, which may give you the good results. If you feel Unclean or Dirty, if there is Self-Loathing because of the mistake, you may need CRAB APPLE.

In CRAB APPLE, there is not much of guilt but there is a sense of dirtiness, uncleanliness which we feel we should get rid off. Some types of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) where the person goes on washing his/her hands trying to clean them, we may get good results with CRAB APPLE. If both Guilt and Self-Loathing are present, think of PINE and CRAB APPLE.

If you lack self-confidence and because of that are feeling low, you will need LARCH. For example, you may be a slow learner and you may need to go through this lesson say three times before you fully comprehend. And your friend is a whizkid and finishes the lesson in a jiffy. You start comparing yourself with your friend and feel a little gloomy (not Jealous! that would need a different remedy HOLLY!). Try LARCH first before reaching out for GENTIAN and you may find better results.

Normally you will hear of GENTIAN, GORSE and MUSTARD when you ask about despair, despondency, depression etc., but as you have seen above, you may need other remedies too.

For example, depression following a personal loss (death of a beloved, loss of a relationship) etc., may need a treatment for the Trauma in addition to or before a treatment for depression is taken up successfully. STAR OF BETHLEHEM will help the trauma and GENTIAN may then work well. This is just an example.

Depression from a deep sense of uncleanliness (physical or emotional) may need CRAB APPLE. If the uncleanliness is also accompanied by guilt, PINE also may be needed.

Since emotions are complex (they are made up of many individual emotions), more than one Bach Flower can be taken at a time. In fact, it is not uncommon to suggest 6 or 7 different essences at a time.

If you or any one in your family, friend circle etc. are suffering from depression, don't neglect and don't stop any medicines that you are taking! Untreated or Poorly treated depression can affect the quality of life very adversely and in some cases may drive the person to suicide, which is not a solution at all! Seek help!

If you need specific advice regarding a Flower Essence or Mixture for you or your people, pl. don't hesitate to write. And try your own analysis of the case and see whether your analysis is correct. Sai Ram.

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