Sai Ram. This lesson will try to round off the discussion on Bach Flowers. We will try to cover all the flowers in brief. If you so prefer, pl. print out this lesson and keep it with you as a sort of handly pocket reference! Sai Ram.
Agrimony - who hide their true emotions behind a cheerful facade. Who dislike to be alone and prefer to hide from themselves through fun, parties and friends. Who may have some addictions (though there is another Bach Flower for addictions as we will see)
Aspen - Fears and anxiety which cannot be named or specified. Anxiety neurosis.
Beech - Intolerant of other's looks, habits, mannerisms etc. Think of it sometimes when a part of you is intolerant of another part of you! (I have not seen this statement in Bach literature read so far but I feel this is worth trying, esp. in autoimmune system disorders) - many allergies (allergies are body's intolerance of some external factors! - I thank a friend who suggested this on the talkbach group).
Centaury - When you can't say No! You may want to say no inside or you may feel that it is your duty to help others, but when you find it difficult or impossible to say No to any one even if it is affecting you adversely, think of this flower! It will help you to be assertive without being aggressive or annoying! It will help you to learn say No, without feeling guilty!
Cerato - Who mistrust their own judgement. Differs from Scleranthus who can't make up their mind. Cerato has no problem in making up the mind but later develops doubts and starts seeking others' advice. Scleranthus on the other hand, doesn't know what he / she wants and keeps on wavering between two choices. In both cases, the final decision may or may not be the correct one! Cerato helps one develop the intuition and listen to one's inner voice. Larch has no such confusions but lacks self-confidence to take up any work. So, some times, it becomes a little difficult to choose between Cerato and Larch but a little analysis will clear up the choice.
Cherry Plum - Fear of losing one's self control (and thus a needed ingredient of Rescue Remedy)
Chestnut Bud - When lessons from life are not learnt and same mistakes keep being repeated, lessons have been learnt but forgotten (I have not seen this statement in Bach Literature but to me forgetting the lessons and not learning are similar since in both cases we keep repeating the mistakes in life again and again!) - When a child is a slow learner (in general, not just for school lessons, this could help!)
Chicory - the selfish clinger - emotional blackmailer? - the one who wants to tie you up with her selfish love! (Many women have this possessive love and will benefit from Chicory!)
Clematis - The day dreamer - who doesn't want to be in the now, here but is always fantasising about some other time and some other place - not well grounded - impractical philosopher or romantic. Clematis fantasises about the future and Honeysuckle lives in the past.
Crab Apple - is the cleansing remedy, and as such is the added 'sixth ingredient' in Rescue Cream. For people who feel that they have something unclean or poisonous about them, or who dislike some aspect of their appearance or personality. Useful in some types of OCD (excessive hand washing for example), skin complaints etc. A sense of internal uncleanliness too, but if feeling guilty, PINE is the remedy.
Elm - for normally successful and competent people, who are temporarily overwhelmed by too much responsibility and feel despondent. This despondency is different from the disappointment felt by GENTIAN and the hopelessness of GORSE and the despair of SWEET CHESTNUT. OAK people don't give up even in such circumstances! Larch doesn't try because they lack self-confidence.
Gentian: for discouragements and disappointments of daily life, a good choice. Some people get easily discouraged compared to others and could do well with a little help from Gentian. Pl. read the description given under Elm for help in differentiating.
Gorse: those who have given up the hope, deep despair. I am using this word synonymously with hopelessness, but Dr.Bach has used it differently. Pl. see for his analysis.
Heather - the needy child, the talkative button-holer. The self-centered person, who is at the same time afraid to be alone. Unlike Agrimony who also dislikes loneliness but puts up a cheery front, Heather has nothing very plesant to offer to the others and so may end up being lonely!
Holly: For emotions which are directed very negatively. The person is in need of love but goes about it in a wrong way. Hate, suspicion and jeaousy are the usual expressions of lack of love. Holly helps to open the heart center and helps to love.
Honeysuckle: For those who live in the past, who go on brooding on past happiness or unhappiness! Helps them to come to terms (to achieve closure) and move to the present.
Hornbeam - For the sense of exhaustion or tiredness that comes up thinking about a work! If the work is taken up, the weariness goes off, thus differentiating from Olive. A sort of lack of self-confidence and so if Larch doesn't clear up, may be useful. Sometimes helps in poor quality sleep where the person wakes up unrefreshed. (Kali Phos, the Tissue remedy for nervous troubles is another good choice for this - see for details about the Twelve Tissue Remedies).
Impatiens - for the impatient patient, who is always in a hurry, restless, wants to do things by him/herself instead of depending upon others who appear to be too slow. Aries people (astrological zodiacal sign represented by Ram, born between March 22 to April 21) are generally impatient and may get benefited by this in becoming calmer and gentler.
Larch - Weak self-image, lacking in self confidence and hence not trying to succeed. Contrast with Elm where they try to take up too much and then start getting doubts whether they can do it. Larch doesn't try because they lack the confidence of succeeding. Larch people will benefit a lot from positive affirmations that they are good, they are capable and they can succeed.
Mimulus - Fear of known things, fear of things which can be named. "I am not afraid of anything except snakes" " I am not scared of anything but rats!" - such statements call for Mimulus. "I am terrified of snakes" may mean either Rock Rose or Mimulus - But if a person who is otherwise normal starts screaming or swoons on seeing a mouse, you may either try Mimulus or Cherry Plum (lack of control).
Mustard - We have already covered in detail under depression. Dark gloomy cloud descending on the mental sky for no known reason, without notice. The disappointments of Gentian have some specific cause whereas the gloom of Mustard has no such known cause. May be useful in Bipolar disorder. With such repeated attacks, the person may become GORSE!
Oak - The strong people who never give up. Such stubbon refusal when rest is needed can actually delay their recovery!
Olive - For exhaustion after physical or mental effort, a good tonic. Compare with Hornbeam where the person feels exhausted before taking up the work (a kind of nervousness, neurasthenia), but Olive is tired because of effort. Rest alone will probably bring back the energy but Olive will hasten the recovery.
Pine - For guilt feelings. We all make mistakes and it is OK to feel bad for the same later with hindsight. But pine feels guilty and suffers! Even when successful, they feel they could have done better and so feel bad (I am slightly rephrasing Dr.Bach's words). Good and bad are relative terms and we do 'bad' or'evil' deeds out of ignorance, Ajnana (lack of true knoweldge). Even when God is forgiving, Pine people can't forgive themselves! So they suffer and spread that misery all around. Pine will show them their ignorance and will help them heal.
Red Chestnut - For fear of safety of other people - a mother worrying about her grown up son or daughter, a wife worrying about her husband etc. Fears, worries and anxieties for loved people will indicate Red Chestnut.
Rock Rose - For Terror (magnified fear), Panic Attacks, Night mares etc.
Rock Water - is not actually a new flower essence, but is water from under some rocks (obviously with some dissolved minerals and capturing the essence of the rock and the water - what a contrast!) - indicated for people of extreme rigidity (high ideals, belief systems etc., inflexible) - helps them take some flexibility and fluidity of the water without losing their strength!)
Scleranthus - The remedy par excellence for uncertainty - to be or not to be? - sometimes showing up as mood swings (very rapid) or motionsickness (as per - a Gemini or an unsettled Libra (astrologically). Swinging like a pendulum between two or more choices, indecisive.
Star of Bethlehem - for shock, trauma (either recent or even very old one if that is not properly dealt with). Physical or mental shocks. A constituent of Rescue Remedy. The equivalent of homeopathic Arnica Mont. May be useful in PTSD
Sweet Chestnut - for people who have reached the limits of endurance and see no way out, extreme despair, unbearable anguish. When they feel that only a miracle can help them, Sweet Chestnut becomes the miracle!
Vervain - Fanatics who are working for a cause which they believe is good for all others. Sometimes Rockwater people and Vervain appear similar in that both are very fixated in their principles and beliefs but where Vervain tries to convert all around to their point of view, Rockwater doesn't.
Vine - Again for strong willed people who think they know the best for others too and thus try to dominate them. Strong willed, obstinate, forceful, dominating - these are the adjectives that best describe them. Vervain tries to persuade but vine tries to dominate (I know best what is good for you!).
Walnut - a good protective shield against negative inflences, keeps you on the selected path. Compare Rockwater which adds a little flexibility to a too rigid system, Walnut protects against too much flexibility!
Water Violet - for people who are contented with themselves and so appear aloof, proud etc., to help them beter relate to others.
White Chestnut - For constant, repetitive thoughts that keep the mind from calming down and thus adds stress.
Wild Oat - for people who don't know what to do with their life and so run wild! Compare with Scleranthus which knows the options but can't decide, whereas Wild Oat doesn't know the options.
Wild Rose - For apathy, resignation, fatalists, who have given up trying.
Willow - For bitter, resentful people who curse life and fate for their present state. Contrast with Wild Rose who don't complain but accept without trying to improve. Willow also doesn't try to improve but complains! Poor me (self pity) is another emotion that runs through Willow and thus this could be useful in some sorts of neurosis and depression.
Rescue Remedy - A combination of five different Remedies - Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose and Star of Bethlehem, all added in double strength - is meant for any emergency - physical and emotional. Accidents, injuries, panic attacks, jitters -
But remember, if you are using Rescue Remedy for some reason as a regular remedy, it is counted as one single essence or remedy - so if you feel that you need some more essences, go ahead and make a treatment bottle with Rescue Remedy and the other remedies which may include some of its components. For example, Aspen, Mimulus and Rescue Remedy can be a mixture for a mixture of fears (some specific, some vague, and so terrifying that the person loses control and gets trumatised). Here, the number of essences is counted as 3 and not 7.
Rescue Cream - contains the same ingredients as Rescue Remedy with Crab Apple for cleansing - useful in skin problems, cuts, burns, injuries like bumps etc.
If you want to look at the pictorial representation of the individual Bach Flower Remedies and read the description for their indications and extracts of what Dr.Bach indicated about them in his book The Twelve Healers, pl. go to
If there is any confusion or difference of perception, pl. follow what is given there.
Also take a look at The Twelve Tissue Remedies available at
where a few lessons have been uploaded and more or being planned in the next few days/weeks/months. We will also look at Homeopathy and Reiki. So, keep checking.
You are welcome to post your own experiences or ask for suggestions regarding remedy selection.
Read the remedy selection tips for specific problems in the blogs that follow.
Blessings. Sai Ram
Sunday, November 9, 2008
When the desire for domination becomes too strong
Sai Ram. The desire for domination is arising from a deep insecurity of one's true worth. While LARCH expresses itself directly as a lack of Self-confidence (which is not true since the person may be quite capable but thinks that she is not), VINE expresses itself as a dominating person.
They could be cruel if their wishes are not respected. Dictators, tyrants are VINE people. Small children can sometimes be very VINE!
I am not too sure but in physical plane, this may manifest as "Loss of hearing" since VINE people don't listen to the opinions of others around.
In VINE state, they lack compassion for fellow beings. In many cases, VINE is helped by HOLLY since the heart centre opens up and they show their true love without overbearing.
The sufferers of VINE need CENTAURY!
Yes. CENTAURY is almost the opposite of VINE. CENTAURY people find it hard to say no to any one. They don't relish being dominated by others but can't resist. CENTAURY people are looking for acceptance from others because they have a weak self-image! LARCH is not self-confident but is not necessarily obedient!
BEECH is intolerant of others and doesn't mind expressing this intolerance. BEECH state comes from a desire to dominate too but instead of showing a calm powerful personality, they criticise the other person. VINE doesn't criticise but expects obedience and takes others for granted.
HEATHER is dominating in its own way, because HEATHER people always talk of themselves, their needs etc., in a highly egocentric way!
CHICORY tries to dominate by serving, giving something but expecting gratitude in return. CHICORY tries to cling and shows a type of dominating affection. CHICORY's love is very selfish.
VERVAIN fights for some 'good' causes that they believe in and may thus appear dominating. But in other areas of life, they are quite easy going and thus we can differentiate.
ROCK WATER people set very high and inflexible standards for themselves and thus we may mistake their behavior as dominating, but they don't insist on others following them.
WATER VIOLET appears aloof but doesn't try to dominate. They are content with themselves. They may resist being pulled into company, which they don't relish. They appear as proud to others.
I hope you got a good picture of each remedy from the above.
They could be cruel if their wishes are not respected. Dictators, tyrants are VINE people. Small children can sometimes be very VINE!
I am not too sure but in physical plane, this may manifest as "Loss of hearing" since VINE people don't listen to the opinions of others around.
In VINE state, they lack compassion for fellow beings. In many cases, VINE is helped by HOLLY since the heart centre opens up and they show their true love without overbearing.
The sufferers of VINE need CENTAURY!
Yes. CENTAURY is almost the opposite of VINE. CENTAURY people find it hard to say no to any one. They don't relish being dominated by others but can't resist. CENTAURY people are looking for acceptance from others because they have a weak self-image! LARCH is not self-confident but is not necessarily obedient!
BEECH is intolerant of others and doesn't mind expressing this intolerance. BEECH state comes from a desire to dominate too but instead of showing a calm powerful personality, they criticise the other person. VINE doesn't criticise but expects obedience and takes others for granted.
HEATHER is dominating in its own way, because HEATHER people always talk of themselves, their needs etc., in a highly egocentric way!
CHICORY tries to dominate by serving, giving something but expecting gratitude in return. CHICORY tries to cling and shows a type of dominating affection. CHICORY's love is very selfish.
VERVAIN fights for some 'good' causes that they believe in and may thus appear dominating. But in other areas of life, they are quite easy going and thus we can differentiate.
ROCK WATER people set very high and inflexible standards for themselves and thus we may mistake their behavior as dominating, but they don't insist on others following them.
WATER VIOLET appears aloof but doesn't try to dominate. They are content with themselves. They may resist being pulled into company, which they don't relish. They appear as proud to others.
I hope you got a good picture of each remedy from the above.
Bach Flower Essences for Jealousy
Sai Ram. Some times, we suffer from the negative state of envy, jealousy and other negative emotions which arise primarily from lack of love to fellow beings. In some situations of life as for example in studies, in sports and similar competitive situations, a little envy or jealousy is not bad, in fact it acts as a powerful motivator for putting our best efforts! But when the emotion becomes too strong and starts affecting our health and well-being, it is time to act.
Bach Flowers like Holly will help us to see our connectedness to all beings! Yes, envy, jealousy etc. arise because momentarily we forget our own connection to the universe and to all beings around us. So, their success becomes difficult to bear. When we remember that 'they' are part of 'us', we come out of the negative states.
HOLLY is especially indicated when one feels lonely, jealous, envious, bitter and angry. Self-hatred is included too! HOLLY opens our heart centre and helps us see our connectedness to one and all.
Pl. think of HOLLY when you experience jealousy, hatred, suspicion, spite and envy. Anger caused by such emotions also responds to HOLLY.
Continued lack of Self-Confidence may lead to envy, jealousy and hatred of siblings! In such situations, HOLLY and LARCH will be the choice. Or one may feel that one is quite competent but life has not treated one fairly and the other person got a better deal because of social connections or just good luck. Such resentments will be helped by WILLOW.
WILLOW is for resentments stored in the mind (that I deserve better from life). WILLOW is relatively mild compared to HOLLY's intense negativities!
Self-hatred due to guilt (that of having committed a sin for example) may need PINE and HOLLY, Pine to remove the guilt feelings and HOLLY to restore love for oneself. If that guilt leaves behind a sense of Uncleanliness, CRAB APPLE will help.
Thus, some of the emotions may need one or more Flower Essences.
If the lack of love expresses itself as Intolerance of others, BEECH would be indicated.
If the lack of love for others expresses itself as Impatience (always in a hurry, can't wait for the others to do things in their own way), IMPATIENS may be needed along with HOLLY!
It is thus important to understand the mental picture a little better so that the right flower essences get picked.
Blessings so that you may see the underlying unity amidst all the apparent diversity.
Bach Flowers like Holly will help us to see our connectedness to all beings! Yes, envy, jealousy etc. arise because momentarily we forget our own connection to the universe and to all beings around us. So, their success becomes difficult to bear. When we remember that 'they' are part of 'us', we come out of the negative states.
HOLLY is especially indicated when one feels lonely, jealous, envious, bitter and angry. Self-hatred is included too! HOLLY opens our heart centre and helps us see our connectedness to one and all.
Pl. think of HOLLY when you experience jealousy, hatred, suspicion, spite and envy. Anger caused by such emotions also responds to HOLLY.
Continued lack of Self-Confidence may lead to envy, jealousy and hatred of siblings! In such situations, HOLLY and LARCH will be the choice. Or one may feel that one is quite competent but life has not treated one fairly and the other person got a better deal because of social connections or just good luck. Such resentments will be helped by WILLOW.
WILLOW is for resentments stored in the mind (that I deserve better from life). WILLOW is relatively mild compared to HOLLY's intense negativities!
Self-hatred due to guilt (that of having committed a sin for example) may need PINE and HOLLY, Pine to remove the guilt feelings and HOLLY to restore love for oneself. If that guilt leaves behind a sense of Uncleanliness, CRAB APPLE will help.
Thus, some of the emotions may need one or more Flower Essences.
If the lack of love expresses itself as Intolerance of others, BEECH would be indicated.
If the lack of love for others expresses itself as Impatience (always in a hurry, can't wait for the others to do things in their own way), IMPATIENS may be needed along with HOLLY!
It is thus important to understand the mental picture a little better so that the right flower essences get picked.
Blessings so that you may see the underlying unity amidst all the apparent diversity.
Bach Flower Essences for Exhaustion
Sai Ram. How many days you woke up tired, unrefreshed and dreaded the day? How many times, through sheer grit and will power, you carried on even though you felt that you may drop from the intense exhaustion? Tiredness is OK after a day of hard work and normally a good night's sleep will refresh and recharge our batteries. But not always. May be we sleep for less than the optimal time or we sleep poorly (that is the quantity is OK but the quality is not)! Sleep has several phases: Light sleep, the beginning of sleep, when we are half awake. Then we have the dream phase (also called the REM phase) where we have dreams and then we have the deep, dreamless phase (non-REM phase). REM is an acronym for Rapid Eye Movements.
Just as the proof of the pudding is in eating it, the quality of sleep is determined by the feeling of freshness when we wake up in the morning. Poor sleep could be due to several causes:
1) Environmental - too hot or too cold room, too draughty or too stuffy room, too soft or too hard bed, insect bites (esp. where we have no control like in hotel rooms etc.) and many other factors affect sleep.
2) Other ill-health, for example, pain, allergies, GERD (Gastric Esophagal Riflux Disease) also called Acid Rifflux disease, Chronic Fatigue, Fevers etc. may interfere with good sleep.
3) Some foods and medications may interfere with sleep.
4) Sleeping with another person in the same bed may cause sleep disturbances.
5) Nursing sick persons may require our waking up in between and thus lead to poor sleep.
6) Awakened sexual desire (either in us or in our partner) may lead to an unscheduled interruption of sleep.
7) Too much stress and worries will certainly interfere with sleep.
There may be more factors. If you wish, you may add your own perceptions on them.
If you wake up unrefreshed and tired, and if the very idea of facing another day with its attendant problems tires you, but when you force yourself to take them up, you can do fairly well, you will benefit from HORNBEAM.
You are exhausted but out of sheer grit, carry on. You will benefit from OAK.
You are exhausted after a great deal of work and feel really at the end of your tether. Take a few doses of OLIVE and see the difference!
I mentioned above a few factors which may be affecting sleep. Not all of them can be corrected by Bach Flowers. Other measures may be needed to ensure that one gets a good sleep. Similarly good food, fresh air, good exercise etc. that is the basic ingredients of a good life should also be taken care.
Other Bach Flower Remedies may need to be taken along with say HORNBEAM if one wakes up tired. For example, due to nightmares and the consequent fears one doesn't get sleep - one needs MIMULUS or ASPEN or ROCK ROSE and that may solve the problem with or without HORNBEAM!
Similarly constant repetitive, worrying thoughts will call for WHITE CHESTNUT and then a good night's sleep comes and the tiredness goes off. If not, then add HORNBEAM.
Here is an easy way of selecting the Flower Remedy for exhaustion:
Starting trouble, i.e. the very thought of work makes one feel tired - physically the person is not really tired and the problem is more emotional - HORNBEAM
Tiredness from work - OLIVE
Tirednss in those who can't or won't stop struggling - they have a problem in letting others take charge, they also are probably perfectionists, they feel they have a mission and so won't rest - this can be approached from different angles like a house with several doors! - but if tiredness or exhaustion is the predominant factor, OAK will help.
The last example will give you an idea of why the same problem gets different prescriptions or suggestions from different practitioners! The practitioner and the person are seeing the same house from different angles! Normally, the most predominant emotion should be addressed first and then other aspects get taken care or are brought up clearly to be resolved with different flowers.
Taking power naps (short spells of sleep either sitting in a chair or lying in a bed) are another effective way of catching up with sleep and getting refreshed.
Just as the proof of the pudding is in eating it, the quality of sleep is determined by the feeling of freshness when we wake up in the morning. Poor sleep could be due to several causes:
1) Environmental - too hot or too cold room, too draughty or too stuffy room, too soft or too hard bed, insect bites (esp. where we have no control like in hotel rooms etc.) and many other factors affect sleep.
2) Other ill-health, for example, pain, allergies, GERD (Gastric Esophagal Riflux Disease) also called Acid Rifflux disease, Chronic Fatigue, Fevers etc. may interfere with good sleep.
3) Some foods and medications may interfere with sleep.
4) Sleeping with another person in the same bed may cause sleep disturbances.
5) Nursing sick persons may require our waking up in between and thus lead to poor sleep.
6) Awakened sexual desire (either in us or in our partner) may lead to an unscheduled interruption of sleep.
7) Too much stress and worries will certainly interfere with sleep.
There may be more factors. If you wish, you may add your own perceptions on them.
If you wake up unrefreshed and tired, and if the very idea of facing another day with its attendant problems tires you, but when you force yourself to take them up, you can do fairly well, you will benefit from HORNBEAM.
You are exhausted but out of sheer grit, carry on. You will benefit from OAK.
You are exhausted after a great deal of work and feel really at the end of your tether. Take a few doses of OLIVE and see the difference!
I mentioned above a few factors which may be affecting sleep. Not all of them can be corrected by Bach Flowers. Other measures may be needed to ensure that one gets a good sleep. Similarly good food, fresh air, good exercise etc. that is the basic ingredients of a good life should also be taken care.
Other Bach Flower Remedies may need to be taken along with say HORNBEAM if one wakes up tired. For example, due to nightmares and the consequent fears one doesn't get sleep - one needs MIMULUS or ASPEN or ROCK ROSE and that may solve the problem with or without HORNBEAM!
Similarly constant repetitive, worrying thoughts will call for WHITE CHESTNUT and then a good night's sleep comes and the tiredness goes off. If not, then add HORNBEAM.
Here is an easy way of selecting the Flower Remedy for exhaustion:
Starting trouble, i.e. the very thought of work makes one feel tired - physically the person is not really tired and the problem is more emotional - HORNBEAM
Tiredness from work - OLIVE
Tirednss in those who can't or won't stop struggling - they have a problem in letting others take charge, they also are probably perfectionists, they feel they have a mission and so won't rest - this can be approached from different angles like a house with several doors! - but if tiredness or exhaustion is the predominant factor, OAK will help.
The last example will give you an idea of why the same problem gets different prescriptions or suggestions from different practitioners! The practitioner and the person are seeing the same house from different angles! Normally, the most predominant emotion should be addressed first and then other aspects get taken care or are brought up clearly to be resolved with different flowers.
Taking power naps (short spells of sleep either sitting in a chair or lying in a bed) are another effective way of catching up with sleep and getting refreshed.
Bach Flowers - How much and how long?
Sai Ram. There was a good question about dosage and duration and so I have made this blog.
What you buy in the shop or online is the 'Stock Bottle'. There are 10 ml, 20 ml or slightly bigger bottles from different suppliers at different prices. Look around and decide. If possible, buy from a nearby health food shop so that you can complain and return if needed. I am not sure whether any money back guarantee is given for these flower essences. The stock bottle usually comes with its own dropper. So there is no need to use another dropper and that way cross-contamination is avoided. If you are not sure where to buy, stick to Bach Centre or their US reps.
For acute problems (passing moods like fear, anxiety etc.), the usual method of taking (or giving) the dose is to put 2 drops of the selected remedy into a glass of water, and sip as often as needed.
If more than one remedy is indicated, you can add 2 drops from each indicated remedy to the same glass or bottle of water and take it.
Please make a fresh glass of water each day or keep it in fridge well capped for a few days use.
If you need to take the remedy or mixture of remedies for more than a day or two, it is better to make up a treatment bottle. Here is the procedure:
Take a 30 ml dropper bottle (they are available in health food stores) and drop 2 drops of each of the desired remedy. Top up the bottle with mineral water (or good spring water). Avoid chlorinated tap water or demineralised / distilled water. Take 4 drops from this Treatment Bottle, 4 times a day. You can just drop them on your tongue or take them in a spoon of water or in a glass of juice, tea or coffee etc. As you can see, dilution is not too important in determining the dosage or concentration unlike allopathic medicines.
If you don't feel better (if you feel the need), take as often as needed, since there is no overdose.
If you don't like the smell of alcohol, put the drops in hot drink like tea or coffee and the alcohol (a very small quantity) will quickly evaporate. If you are alergic to alcohol or if your religious beliefs don't permit you to take even a minute amount of alcohol, Bach Flowers are available with only water from
Homeopathic medicines in liquid form also are prepared with alcohol as preservative. So, if your religious beliefs prevent you from taking alcohol even in minute quantities, you need to be really careful. Even in allopathy, alcohol is used to rub the skin before puncturing it with a needle for injection or for taking a blood sample or for giving intravenous drip. So, be educated and decide.
One tip: If you cannot or will not take Bach Flowers because of the alcohol, pl. try the following trick. Pl. read as often as possible, the description of the Bach Flower(s) for your negative emotional states and visualise yourself as taking the medicine! Do this 3 or 4 times a day and see how you feel. Some of us including myself and a few others experienced benefit by this and that is one reason that I stopped buying Bach Flowers in physical form in the last few years.
So, that is about dosage.
As far as duration is considered, it is simply individual. Some people respond very quickly. Some emotions are deep seated and take more time to heal. As some emotions are healed, others may surface and you may need additional remedies. Since treatment bottle contained only 2 drops of the Stock Bottle, throwing it away and making a fresh treatment bottle with a different mixture is not a big issue.
Upto 6 or 7 remedies can be mixed into one treatment bottle. Rescue Remedy is considered as one remedy. So, if needed, Rescue and 6 more remedies can be combined.
Our mind (emotional part) is compared to an onion. As you peel off one layer, another layer comes up and as we peel off that layer, another surfaces. Similarly, Bach Flowers bring up long suppressed issues and as they come up they lose the power of causing damage. Awareness is very important in weakening the emotional issues. Prayer, Reiki, Meditation etc., also achieve this type of mental cleansing. Awareness of breath is another important tool in emotional healing since we automatically tend to hold our breath when reliving some painful or unpleasant memories from the past or are indulging in fanciful day-dreaming. When we are aware of our breath, we are in the present.
Some people have reported that as long as they use the Flowers, they are OK but when they stop using they quickly revert to the old states. This is not healing, since the core issues are not addressed and at best it is a maintenance therapy, patch work. One needs to introspect and go deeper, even though the journey may be painful. I should know since I made that journey and the pain was almost unbearable and only my Master's grace helped me come out in one piece! Faith in the Higher Power (call it by any name that you are comfortable with), is the link that helps the mind, the ego move from a negative state to a positive state. Sai Ram.
If you are not getting deep healing with Bach Flowers, you may need other healing techniques. But the right Flower Remedy will in most of the cases solve the problems. Have faith and patience. Sai Ram.
What you buy in the shop or online is the 'Stock Bottle'. There are 10 ml, 20 ml or slightly bigger bottles from different suppliers at different prices. Look around and decide. If possible, buy from a nearby health food shop so that you can complain and return if needed. I am not sure whether any money back guarantee is given for these flower essences. The stock bottle usually comes with its own dropper. So there is no need to use another dropper and that way cross-contamination is avoided. If you are not sure where to buy, stick to Bach Centre or their US reps.
For acute problems (passing moods like fear, anxiety etc.), the usual method of taking (or giving) the dose is to put 2 drops of the selected remedy into a glass of water, and sip as often as needed.
If more than one remedy is indicated, you can add 2 drops from each indicated remedy to the same glass or bottle of water and take it.
Please make a fresh glass of water each day or keep it in fridge well capped for a few days use.
If you need to take the remedy or mixture of remedies for more than a day or two, it is better to make up a treatment bottle. Here is the procedure:
Take a 30 ml dropper bottle (they are available in health food stores) and drop 2 drops of each of the desired remedy. Top up the bottle with mineral water (or good spring water). Avoid chlorinated tap water or demineralised / distilled water. Take 4 drops from this Treatment Bottle, 4 times a day. You can just drop them on your tongue or take them in a spoon of water or in a glass of juice, tea or coffee etc. As you can see, dilution is not too important in determining the dosage or concentration unlike allopathic medicines.
If you don't feel better (if you feel the need), take as often as needed, since there is no overdose.
If you don't like the smell of alcohol, put the drops in hot drink like tea or coffee and the alcohol (a very small quantity) will quickly evaporate. If you are alergic to alcohol or if your religious beliefs don't permit you to take even a minute amount of alcohol, Bach Flowers are available with only water from
Homeopathic medicines in liquid form also are prepared with alcohol as preservative. So, if your religious beliefs prevent you from taking alcohol even in minute quantities, you need to be really careful. Even in allopathy, alcohol is used to rub the skin before puncturing it with a needle for injection or for taking a blood sample or for giving intravenous drip. So, be educated and decide.
One tip: If you cannot or will not take Bach Flowers because of the alcohol, pl. try the following trick. Pl. read as often as possible, the description of the Bach Flower(s) for your negative emotional states and visualise yourself as taking the medicine! Do this 3 or 4 times a day and see how you feel. Some of us including myself and a few others experienced benefit by this and that is one reason that I stopped buying Bach Flowers in physical form in the last few years.
So, that is about dosage.
As far as duration is considered, it is simply individual. Some people respond very quickly. Some emotions are deep seated and take more time to heal. As some emotions are healed, others may surface and you may need additional remedies. Since treatment bottle contained only 2 drops of the Stock Bottle, throwing it away and making a fresh treatment bottle with a different mixture is not a big issue.
Upto 6 or 7 remedies can be mixed into one treatment bottle. Rescue Remedy is considered as one remedy. So, if needed, Rescue and 6 more remedies can be combined.
Our mind (emotional part) is compared to an onion. As you peel off one layer, another layer comes up and as we peel off that layer, another surfaces. Similarly, Bach Flowers bring up long suppressed issues and as they come up they lose the power of causing damage. Awareness is very important in weakening the emotional issues. Prayer, Reiki, Meditation etc., also achieve this type of mental cleansing. Awareness of breath is another important tool in emotional healing since we automatically tend to hold our breath when reliving some painful or unpleasant memories from the past or are indulging in fanciful day-dreaming. When we are aware of our breath, we are in the present.
Some people have reported that as long as they use the Flowers, they are OK but when they stop using they quickly revert to the old states. This is not healing, since the core issues are not addressed and at best it is a maintenance therapy, patch work. One needs to introspect and go deeper, even though the journey may be painful. I should know since I made that journey and the pain was almost unbearable and only my Master's grace helped me come out in one piece! Faith in the Higher Power (call it by any name that you are comfortable with), is the link that helps the mind, the ego move from a negative state to a positive state. Sai Ram.
If you are not getting deep healing with Bach Flowers, you may need other healing techniques. But the right Flower Remedy will in most of the cases solve the problems. Have faith and patience. Sai Ram.
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