Sai Ram. Let us today look at the Bach Flowers that are usually indicated in the management of frustration, disappointment, depression, despair etc.
- You were aiming for some high grades in the college and you didn't get it, you are disappointed -
- You had your eye on the particular dress in the shop but when you tried it, the size didn't fit and the shop had no other size - You are frustrated.
Such situations and the resultant moods (blues) normally pass off and soon we are our normal cheerful souls. But if the mood doesn't lift and we continue to feel down, we need GENTIAN. GENTIAN is for Disappointments, Frustrations.
"I have tried everything and nothing works, there is actually no use of trying this but then I wanted to please my wife and so am seeing you."
When you come across such statements, you can safely recommend GORSE and expect good results!
GORSE is for a deeper depression (more severe compared to a disappointment) compared to GENTIAN. Despair (hopelessness if you prefer that word) is very much present in GORSE which is not the case in GENTIAN. I have used despair and hopelessness to mean the same but it appears that Dr.Bach used them differently. So, it may be better to stick to Dr. Bach's meaning. The flower essence for despair is SWEET CHESTNUT and it may be initially difficult to differentiate between these two. You may like to discuss the state of your mind with a close friend or a professional practitioner.
You suddenly feel very much down and depressed, gloomy, but the cloud lifts suddenly and you feel normal. Again the cloud comes and you feel lost. You will do well to take MUSTARD.
MUSTARD is to Gloom (Mental Darkness) as ASPEN is to Fear - both come without any specific reason which you can put your finger on.
If you are feeling down because of some mistake which you committed and are troubled by GUILT, You will need PINE, which may give you the good results. If you feel Unclean or Dirty, if there is Self-Loathing because of the mistake, you may need CRAB APPLE.
In CRAB APPLE, there is not much of guilt but there is a sense of dirtiness, uncleanliness which we feel we should get rid off. Some types of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) where the person goes on washing his/her hands trying to clean them, we may get good results with CRAB APPLE. If both Guilt and Self-Loathing are present, think of PINE and CRAB APPLE.
If you lack self-confidence and because of that are feeling low, you will need LARCH. For example, you may be a slow learner and you may need to go through this lesson say three times before you fully comprehend. And your friend is a whizkid and finishes the lesson in a jiffy. You start comparing yourself with your friend and feel a little gloomy (not Jealous! that would need a different remedy HOLLY!). Try LARCH first before reaching out for GENTIAN and you may find better results.
Normally you will hear of GENTIAN, GORSE and MUSTARD when you ask about despair, despondency, depression etc., but as you have seen above, you may need other remedies too.
For example, depression following a personal loss (death of a beloved, loss of a relationship) etc., may need a treatment for the Trauma in addition to or before a treatment for depression is taken up successfully. STAR OF BETHLEHEM will help the trauma and GENTIAN may then work well. This is just an example.
Depression from a deep sense of uncleanliness (physical or emotional) may need CRAB APPLE. If the uncleanliness is also accompanied by guilt, PINE also may be needed.
Since emotions are complex (they are made up of many individual emotions), more than one Bach Flower can be taken at a time. In fact, it is not uncommon to suggest 6 or 7 different essences at a time.
If you or any one in your family, friend circle etc. are suffering from depression, don't neglect and don't stop any medicines that you are taking! Untreated or Poorly treated depression can affect the quality of life very adversely and in some cases may drive the person to suicide, which is not a solution at all! Seek help!
If you need specific advice regarding a Flower Essence or Mixture for you or your people, pl. don't hesitate to write. And try your own analysis of the case and see whether your analysis is correct. Sai Ram.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
When We Can't Decide!
Bach Flowers - When we can't decide!
To be or not to be? To do or not to do? Life is full of uncertainties. Sometimes we don't know what we should do, other times we can't decide between multiple choices. Asking our friends and experts is no doubt a good option, but finally we have to decide. If this becomes a problem more often, we may need a little help. Let us see how Bach Flowers help us in deciding our course of action.
When we can't decide between two or more options. We have got all the inputs about the pros and cons of the various choices. We are now swinging back and forth between the choices and we can't make up our mind. We get frustrated about our indecision.
Astrologically, those of us who are born in the zodiacal signs of Gemini and Libra (Between these two Gemini is much more affected, when Mercury and Moon are together and are weak) will sometimes find this trait so marked that we suffer. If any of you want to comment more on this, I welcome your inputs.
Since we are keen, intelligent people who can see both sides of the coin, we can't make up our mind. When we go shopping, we can't decide what to choose between two dresses or two models of the latest gadget. We go to a restaurant and we can't decide between two good dishes. We need Scleranthus.
We are stuck and we don't know what to do. We have no ideas, we have no choices from which we can choose. We feel blocked. This may be true of any aspect of our life like career or the life itself. We sometimes keep wondering what for we have taken birth. We don't know the purpose of our life. We need WILD OAT.
We have the inputs and we know what to do, but can't trust our own judgment. So, we keep asking our friends whether we are doing right. We are asking them, not for any input which will help us take the right decision, but are asking them for reassurance, because we can't trust our own judgment. We need CERATO. (We may also need LARCH for our lack of self-confidence.)
LARCH has no problem in deciding what to do but lacks confidence in doing it and so feels diffident to take up. Since many times, our expectations come true, we actually fail to do the work and the feed-back cycle is complete. We feel that we indeed are incapable and our self-image starts becoming weaker and weaker. LARCH helps in such a situation. If this is left uncorrected, we may end up as CERATO, where we lack all confidence in our ability to decide between two alternatives and so need reassurance from others. CERATO people tend to cling to friends and relatives for continued reassurance and thus drain their energy!
If we can't decide between CERATO and LARCH, we may first start with SCLERANTHUS!
To be or not to be? To do or not to do? Life is full of uncertainties. Sometimes we don't know what we should do, other times we can't decide between multiple choices. Asking our friends and experts is no doubt a good option, but finally we have to decide. If this becomes a problem more often, we may need a little help. Let us see how Bach Flowers help us in deciding our course of action.
When we can't decide between two or more options. We have got all the inputs about the pros and cons of the various choices. We are now swinging back and forth between the choices and we can't make up our mind. We get frustrated about our indecision.
Astrologically, those of us who are born in the zodiacal signs of Gemini and Libra (Between these two Gemini is much more affected, when Mercury and Moon are together and are weak) will sometimes find this trait so marked that we suffer. If any of you want to comment more on this, I welcome your inputs.
Since we are keen, intelligent people who can see both sides of the coin, we can't make up our mind. When we go shopping, we can't decide what to choose between two dresses or two models of the latest gadget. We go to a restaurant and we can't decide between two good dishes. We need Scleranthus.
We are stuck and we don't know what to do. We have no ideas, we have no choices from which we can choose. We feel blocked. This may be true of any aspect of our life like career or the life itself. We sometimes keep wondering what for we have taken birth. We don't know the purpose of our life. We need WILD OAT.
We have the inputs and we know what to do, but can't trust our own judgment. So, we keep asking our friends whether we are doing right. We are asking them, not for any input which will help us take the right decision, but are asking them for reassurance, because we can't trust our own judgment. We need CERATO. (We may also need LARCH for our lack of self-confidence.)
LARCH has no problem in deciding what to do but lacks confidence in doing it and so feels diffident to take up. Since many times, our expectations come true, we actually fail to do the work and the feed-back cycle is complete. We feel that we indeed are incapable and our self-image starts becoming weaker and weaker. LARCH helps in such a situation. If this is left uncorrected, we may end up as CERATO, where we lack all confidence in our ability to decide between two alternatives and so need reassurance from others. CERATO people tend to cling to friends and relatives for continued reassurance and thus drain their energy!
If we can't decide between CERATO and LARCH, we may first start with SCLERANTHUS!
Bach Remedies for FEAR
Sai Ram. Let us now take up the study of Bach Flowers in more detail.
Dr.Bach grouped the remedies into various categories based on their interaction with human emotions such Fear, Uncertianity, Loneliness, Depression etc.
We will now take up the remedies that will help us with Fear.
Fear comes from a sense of separation, from a sense of 'I' being separate and different from 'Not I'. This is from a spiritual angle. The ego is always afraid of change, which threatens its existence. Ego is limited, bound. So, it will have its boundaries, comfort zones. Even the most adventurous, change seeking ego has some limits beyond which the ego is unwilling to change and if change is thrust on it, fear may be a result.
From a worldly angle, Fear is no doubt a useful emotion. Fear is useful for survival. For example, either I am bitten by a snake or see some one bitten by a snake and see the consequences. Next time, when I see the snake, fear is my automatic reaction. Fear of a street dog (which may bite), fear of being mugged by a stranger on a dark street., all these are valid fears.
Fear helps us take proper precautions. But if the fear becomes a nuisance and it starts interfering in our day to day life, we need to do something about it. That is where Bach Flowers come into picture.
Specific fears like fear of snakes, fear of fire, fear of failure etc., are addressed by Mimulus. To see the picture of Mimulus and other Bach Flowers, pl. go to
Apart from the picture, short descriptions of the indications for each Flower are given there. You can order the flower essences from there or buy the same from your neighborhood (which may be cheaper). That site also lists many of the standard books on Bach Flower Remedies and if you are interested, you may consider reading those books.
Please note that the information presented there (the photographs of the flowers and the short descriptions of their use) may be protected by copyright and so don't simply copy and paste into something else for sharing with your friends. Please give the link given above so that your friends can see the information directly.
Though the system of remedy selection is simple, the interpretation of some of the emotional expressions gives rise to different recommendations by different practitioners. The patients are encouraged to take an active part in remedy selection but it is not always feasible. So, what they express, needs to be interpreted by the practitioner and the same expression lends to different interpretation by different people.
For example, Mimulus is meant to help with specific fears, fears which can be named. But consider the following:
"I am afraid of losing my self control." (This may happen due to any cause. What is important is that the person feels so threatened that he/she feels on edge and feels the downfall is imminent)
On the face of it, it looks as if it is a specific fear and I may advise you to try Mimulus, but a better practitioner will recommend you Cherry Plum!
Again - "I am afraid for the safety of my young son, who has gone with his friends on a picnic." will require Red Chestnut.
How to differentiate? The following guidelines will help:
Mimulus is indicated in specific fears which affect the safety of that person, where as Red Chestnut is afraid for people whom they love.
Note: This type of differentiation - compare and contrast is very important and separates the good practitioner from an inefficient one.
Let us see briefly the main characteristics of the 5 different Flower Remedies indicated in Fears and Terror (which is intense Fear).
Mimulus - Specific fears - Fears of fire, snakes, cats, dogs, fire, thunderstorms etc., which threaten one's existence physically. Mimulus people (who will benefit from Mimulus) are generally shy, timid.
Aspen - Vague Fears - Fears which cannot be specifically named - General Anxiety - Palpitations caused by fear - Nervousness
Red Chestnut - Fear for the welfare of other people (not for oneself)
Rock Rose - Terror (intense fear), nightmares
Cherry Plum - Fear of losing one's control - desperation
We will take up some typical descriptive statements which involve the above Flowers in the next lesson.
Pl. feel free to discuss the ideas presented above and input your own ideas and experiences etc.
Dr.Bach grouped the remedies into various categories based on their interaction with human emotions such Fear, Uncertianity, Loneliness, Depression etc.
We will now take up the remedies that will help us with Fear.
Fear comes from a sense of separation, from a sense of 'I' being separate and different from 'Not I'. This is from a spiritual angle. The ego is always afraid of change, which threatens its existence. Ego is limited, bound. So, it will have its boundaries, comfort zones. Even the most adventurous, change seeking ego has some limits beyond which the ego is unwilling to change and if change is thrust on it, fear may be a result.
From a worldly angle, Fear is no doubt a useful emotion. Fear is useful for survival. For example, either I am bitten by a snake or see some one bitten by a snake and see the consequences. Next time, when I see the snake, fear is my automatic reaction. Fear of a street dog (which may bite), fear of being mugged by a stranger on a dark street., all these are valid fears.
Fear helps us take proper precautions. But if the fear becomes a nuisance and it starts interfering in our day to day life, we need to do something about it. That is where Bach Flowers come into picture.
Specific fears like fear of snakes, fear of fire, fear of failure etc., are addressed by Mimulus. To see the picture of Mimulus and other Bach Flowers, pl. go to
Apart from the picture, short descriptions of the indications for each Flower are given there. You can order the flower essences from there or buy the same from your neighborhood (which may be cheaper). That site also lists many of the standard books on Bach Flower Remedies and if you are interested, you may consider reading those books.
Please note that the information presented there (the photographs of the flowers and the short descriptions of their use) may be protected by copyright and so don't simply copy and paste into something else for sharing with your friends. Please give the link given above so that your friends can see the information directly.
Though the system of remedy selection is simple, the interpretation of some of the emotional expressions gives rise to different recommendations by different practitioners. The patients are encouraged to take an active part in remedy selection but it is not always feasible. So, what they express, needs to be interpreted by the practitioner and the same expression lends to different interpretation by different people.
For example, Mimulus is meant to help with specific fears, fears which can be named. But consider the following:
"I am afraid of losing my self control." (This may happen due to any cause. What is important is that the person feels so threatened that he/she feels on edge and feels the downfall is imminent)
On the face of it, it looks as if it is a specific fear and I may advise you to try Mimulus, but a better practitioner will recommend you Cherry Plum!
Again - "I am afraid for the safety of my young son, who has gone with his friends on a picnic." will require Red Chestnut.
How to differentiate? The following guidelines will help:
Mimulus is indicated in specific fears which affect the safety of that person, where as Red Chestnut is afraid for people whom they love.
Note: This type of differentiation - compare and contrast is very important and separates the good practitioner from an inefficient one.
Let us see briefly the main characteristics of the 5 different Flower Remedies indicated in Fears and Terror (which is intense Fear).
Mimulus - Specific fears - Fears of fire, snakes, cats, dogs, fire, thunderstorms etc., which threaten one's existence physically. Mimulus people (who will benefit from Mimulus) are generally shy, timid.
Aspen - Vague Fears - Fears which cannot be specifically named - General Anxiety - Palpitations caused by fear - Nervousness
Red Chestnut - Fear for the welfare of other people (not for oneself)
Rock Rose - Terror (intense fear), nightmares
Cherry Plum - Fear of losing one's control - desperation
We will take up some typical descriptive statements which involve the above Flowers in the next lesson.
Pl. feel free to discuss the ideas presented above and input your own ideas and experiences etc.
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